A Ukraine-related disinformation tsunami hit Europe in March
In EDMO’s monthly brief the analysis of the main disinformation trends about Ukraine
Ukrainian refugees and disinformation: situation in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania
The problem of disinformation about the situation of refugees from Ukraine and the host countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania – summary report
How Covid-19 conspiracy theorists pivoted to pro-Russian hoaxes
Today a significant part of the disinformation about the war in Ukraine passes through the same accounts who were spreading hoaxes about Covid-19
Mental well-being of investigators on the digital frontline
Here’s some general advice for journalists and investigators dealing with digital audiovisual material coming out of Ukraine (or any other conflict or war)
Russian propaganda disguising as fact-checking: a statement from the EDMO Taskforce
The EDMO task force urges national and European institutions, mass media and social media platforms to inform the public and take the necessary actions
Covid-19 related disinformation falls while Ukraine related one exploded
Pagella Politica Report. Out of the 1.067 fact-checking articles published in February by the 13 organizations part of the EDMO network, 221 (20.7%) focused on Ukraine- related disinformation
International legal order reactions to the war in Ukraine
In this new episode of our podcast “Impronta Digitale”, Roberto Virzo and Christopher Michaelsen discuss about the actual conflict situation in Ukraine
EDMO establishes a taskforce on disinformation about the war in Ukraine
A new taskforce will steer and collect data to help understand disinformation trends in the war in Ukraine. Idmo will fight disinformation
Crisi Ucraina-Russia, così immagini fake diventano virali
Dallo scoppio del conflitto sono stati condivisi sui social foto e video delle operazioni militari. Ma non sempre sono attuali e riguardano l’invasione delle truppe russe