EU-related disinformation keeps growing before the EU Parliament elections
Disinformation about the EU continues to grow the month before the eu vote, while false stories about climate change decrease
Esplora IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory.
Disinformation about the EU continues to grow the month before the eu vote, while false stories about climate change decrease
Disinformation about the EU and the climate increases two months before the vote, false stories about Ukraine decrease slightly
EDMO, in vista delle prossime elezioni europee lancia la campagna “Be Election Smart”
Monthly brief no. 34 – EDMO fact-checking network
After the deadly attack at the Crocus City Hall, a concert hall near Moscow, on March 22, a clear disinformation narrative blaming Ukraine for the assault has emerged in the European infosphere.
Over three days, the first edition of the Voices festival will explore crucial themes shaping our relationship with information and media nowadays through talks, interactive workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities. The sessions will tackle artificial intelligence and journalism, disinformation, safety of journalists, the challenges within media economic models, media literacy, elections’ integrity, EU legislation on media, digital parenting, and digital well-being, among others. IDMO – The Italian Digital Media Observatory will be in the Festival and Alessandra Paradisi will present RAI Pills “United against disinformation”, an example of collaboration between both fields. After Florence, the Festival will embark on a journey across different European cities to spotlight media freedom and media literacy as essential elements for the functioning of our societies.
La Vicepresidente della Commissione Ue con delega ai Valori e alla trasparenza in Italia per il suo “Democracy Tour” con l’obiettivo di contrastare la disinformazione nell’anno delle elezioni europee. L’incontro con IDMO per promuovere trasparenza, fact-checking e la difesa della democrazia
Il team di analisti di NewsGuard terrà aggiornato il centro sulla disinformazione relativa alle elezioni di quest’anno negli Stati Uniti, nell’UE e in altre parti del mondo
The attack of Hamas and the following military reaction of Israel caused a wave of disinformation on social media
A giugno 2023 cresce la disinformazione sulla guerra in ucraina e sulla Ue, si riduce sul clima e quella sulla pandemia diventa sempre più marginale
Disinformation about the EU continues to grow the month before the eu vote, while false stories about climate change decrease
Disinformation about the EU and the climate increases two months before the vote, false stories about Ukraine decrease slightly
EDMO, in vista delle prossime elezioni europee lancia la campagna “Be Election Smart”
Monthly brief no. 34 – EDMO fact-checking network
After the deadly attack at the Crocus City Hall, a concert hall near Moscow, on March 22, a clear disinformation narrative blaming Ukraine for the
Over three days, the first edition of the Voices festival will explore crucial themes shaping our relationship with information and media nowadays through talks, interactive
La Vicepresidente della Commissione Ue con delega ai Valori e alla trasparenza in Italia per il suo “Democracy Tour” con l’obiettivo di contrastare la disinformazione
Il team di analisti di NewsGuard terrà aggiornato il centro sulla disinformazione relativa alle elezioni di quest’anno negli Stati Uniti, nell’UE e in altre parti
The attack of Hamas and the following military reaction of Israel caused a wave of disinformation on social media
A giugno 2023 cresce la disinformazione sulla guerra in ucraina e sulla Ue, si riduce sul clima e quella sulla pandemia diventa sempre più marginale