Marzo 29 2024

How disinformation is supporting Kremlin’s narrative that blames Ukraine for the terrorist attack in Moscow

…false content, spread by government-controlled channels or by pro-Russia accounts on social media. Many of these false stories – which, in fact, represent most of the disinformation circulating on the issue –  are consistent in portraying…


Febbraio 15 2023

Russian Foreign Ministry spread disinformation about massacres in Bucha, Izyum and Kupjans’k in a long video published on Twitter

…they were dead long before the Russian forces entered the city. Again, this is false. As verified for example by Correctiv, the Russian attacks on the city, dating back to at least…


Marzo 30 2023

Lettera aperta dei primi ministri di Polonia, Ucraina, Repubblica Ceca, Estonia, Moldavia, Lituania, Lettonia e Slovacchia alle principali piattaforme di social media

…differ, the ultimate goals of information warfare are universal. Foreign information manipulation and interference, including disinformation is being deployed to destabilize our countries, weaken our democracies, to derail Moldova’s and…


Luglio 29 2024

Così TikTok è diventato un ricettacolo di misinformazione sui brand

…visualizzazioni, e molti utenti hanno scritto nei commenti che non faranno più acquisti presso il rivenditore. “Boicottaggio permanente questa volta”, ha scritto un utente. “Chi ci sta? Non scherzate con


Marzo 29 2022

Mental well-being of investigators on the digital frontline

…the war in Ukraine have to rely on digital content, coming from eyewitnesses or the parties at war, as few journalists are left “on the ground” and on location. Sifting…


Luglio 29 2024

Health misinformation on TikTok – A Report for Governments and the WHO

…The Misinformation Fingerprints dataset, a catalogue of data about top misinformation narratives, contains related keywords and search terms for all of the top misinformation and disinformation narratives spreading online –…


Febbraio 15 2023

Gli analisti di NewsGuard hanno identificato 250 siti che diffondono disinformazione sul conflitto tra Russia e Ucraina

…siti individuati da NewsGuard continuano a diffondere online bufale sulla guerra. Da parte loro, le piattaforme continuano a non identificare questi siti come diffusori di disinformazione e a non fornire…


Marzo 13 2024

“Media Literacy versus Fake News” – The Research by Rai and the Catholic University of Milan

About online disinformation prevention policies, in January 2018, the European Commission established a High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) to develop a series of recommendations. In the report presented at the conclusion


Marzo 23 2022

Policy Dialogue Concept Paper

…ad-hoc disinformation effects. To face this issue, an articulated and forward-looking policy for countering threats in the information space is needed at European level. In particular, it is crucial to…


Maggio 29 2023

EDMO establishes Task Force on 2024 European Parliament Elections

…ecosystem, fact-checking and MIL, its composition also aims at a comprehensive geographical coverage of the European Union. It reflects the high level of integration between the 14 national and regional…