
Esplora IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory.

Policy Dialogue Concept Paper

Policy Dialogue Concept Paper

Nowadays, the magnitude of disinformation and its effects is causing significant concern. One of the major challenges of the current information ecosystem is the rapid spread of fake news through digital media

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Rassegna stampa IDMO – (Dis)Informazione. Sfide Internazionali e resilienza interna

La conferenza “(Dis)Informazione. Sfide Internazionali e resilienza interna”, tenuta il 7 febbraio 2022 dal Ministero degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale in collaborazione con IDMO, ha attirato l’attenzione della stampa nazionale e internazionale per l’importanza delle tematiche discusse: gli interventi alla Farnesina del ministro Luigi Di Maio, del sottosegretario all’Informazione e all’Editoria Giuseppe Moles, dei ricercatori e rappresentanti istituzionali e aziendali, segnano la strada da percorrere per contrastare la disinformazione in Italia. Presto ci saranno nuovi eventi in collaborazione con i nostri partners e i fact-checkers. Seguiteci sui nostri canali social per rimanere aggiornati sulle ultime ricerche e le attività dell’Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO). Parlano di IDMO Formiche – DISINFORMAZIONE, L’ALTRO VIRUS. L’INIZIATIVA DELLA FARNESINA La Nazione – LA DISINFORMAZIONE: GLI SCENARI ITALIANI E INTERNAZIONALI, CONVEGNO ALLA FARNESINA Ansa – DI MAIO, DISINFORMAZIONE FENOMENO PREOCCUPANTE, AGIRE SUBITO Radio Radicale – (DIS)INFORMAZIONE. SFIDE INTERNAZIONALI E RESILIENZA INTERNA PrimaOnline –

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It’s time to act against disinformation: the debate hosted by Farnesina and IDMO

It’s time to act against disinformation: the debate hosted by Farnesina and IDMO

The Italian Digital Media Observatory and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discussed the spreading of fake news and the challenges it poses Disinformation, international challenges and internal resilience were the main themes discussed during the conference at the Farnesina building in Rome, home of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Many were the people and the companies representing Italy. Everyone in the room shared the same desire to defeat the circulation of fake news. «Now is the time to act» said from the skype meeting Sinan Aral, Professor of Management, Marketing and Data Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. «When I began studying misinformation people came up to me saying… “oh this is not important”, but now they all understand the severe impact that disinformation has on the world». Debate on disinformation at Farnesina, the lesson of Professor Aral During the conference, Professor Aral explained the three essential elements of

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