
Esplora IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory.

La disinformazione di novembre 2024 suggerisce brogli elettorali e disastri innaturali

November 2024 Disinformation Suggests Election Fraud and Unnatural Disasters

US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND SPAIN FLOODING ARE MOST TARGETED TOPICS BY FALSE STORIES The four Italian editorial projects that published fact-checking content, and contributed to this report*, published a total of 199 fact-checking articles as of November 2024. Of these, 7 (3.5%) dealt with cases of disinformation regarding the war in Ukraine, 10 (5%) with the war in the Middle East, 9 (4.5%) with the pandemic, 24 (12%) with climate change, 11 (7.5%) with the European Union, 10 (5%) with immigration, and 13 (6.5%) with gender or LGBTQ+ issues. Articles on the American election campaign accounted for 27 out of 199, or 13.5% of the total. The US presidential elections were the most widely spread topic of disinformation in November, although the percentage was lower than in September (15%). False stories about the climate also increased: their value tripled in two months, from 3.9% in September to 12% in November.

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