Welcome to idmo

Italian digital media observatory

A network of excellence for a safer and more informed news consumption

Featured news

Italian Digital Media Observatory

Are you seeing the full picture?

In response to the rise of disinformation and digital threats, we launched the weekly newsletter “IDMO – Intelligence Digest.”

Foreign Interferences

Italian Digital Media Observatory

The Migrant Disinformation Map: A Decade of Silent Tragedies

The Luiss Data Lab’s Migrant Map is an interactive tool designed to counter misinformation on immigration. With an expected rise in deaths in 2024 and the increasing number of climate refugees, shedding light on the truth behind the numbers has never been more crucial.



D3.1 Fact-checking periodic report

This report briefly illustrates the IDMO monthly disinformation briefs which have been published on the IDMO website on a monthly basis starting from December 2021

Italian Digital Media Observatory

"United Against Disinformation": Anti-fake news pills return across all RAI networks.

Watch the third season of “Pills Against Disinformation”.