“United against disinformation,” record-breaking numbers for the IDMO campaign

The Rai campaign for IDMO “United against disinformation” concludes with record-breaking numbers: over 848 million contacts. The 296 million contacts that marked the end of the third season, combined with the over 550 million contacts achieved in the first two, result in an extraordinary outcome for the entire campaign. These numbers are a tangible demonstration of the central role that the public multimedia service still holds in the digital and media ecosystem and its significant potential for communication and inclusion.

Three sets of ten one-minute videos designed to counter falsehoods, fake news, and conspiracy theories, both on the web and beyond, are now available in a box set on RaiPlay. The videos, produced by Rai (Office of Studies, Transmedia Digital Content Directorate, Communication Directorate), are part of a Media Literacy campaign targeting the general public, carried out by Rai within the IDMO project (Italian Digital Media Observatory), the national observatory for combating disinformation.

“It is proof that Rai is committed in a multichannel and multi-platform approach to disseminating digital knowledge and skills, as befits a public service company grappling with its transformation into a digital media company,” states Francesco Giorgino, Director of Rai Office of Studies. “In an era where misinformation can easily alter the perception of reality,” says Maurizio Imbriale, Director of Transmedia Digital Content, “it is imperative for us at Rai not only to promote truth and educate the public in critical thinking but also to actively protect our society from manipulations and safeguard freedom of thought. Disinformation is a virus that undermines trust in reality, and we are at the forefront of combating it.”

The initiative is part of the media and digital literacy efforts that have always distinguished the public service, and Rai has committed to this cause by joining the IDMO consortium. This consortium, co-financed by the European Commission and coordinated by Luiss Guido Carli University, includes the participation of Tim, Gruppo Gedi, University of Tor Vergata, T6 Ecosystems, NewsGuard, and Pagella Politica.

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