
Esplora IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory.

EU-related disinformation peaks in April

D. 4.4 Policy Dialogue final report and recommendations

Nowadays, the magnitude of disinformation and its effects is causing significant concern (Edwards et al. 2021). One of the major challenges of the current information ecosystem is the rapid spread of fake news through digital media (Tandor et al., 2019; Fletcher et al. 2018). In line with this, disinformation spreading on social media can be easily manipulated and distorted creating ad-hoc disinformation effects. To face this issue, an articulated and forward-looking policy for countering threats in the information space is needed at European level. In particular, it is crucial to design i) an approach that draws on a variety of effective tools non-regulatory principles and norms to enable a healthy digital public sphere, and ii) regulatory interventions to ensure that platforms adhere to a clear set of norms, principles and possible sanctions. The discussion needs to be taken in serious consideration also from national governments and not only from European

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IDMO Impact assessment framework

IDMO Impact assessment framework

This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both

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Policy Dialogue Concept Paper

Policy Dialogue Concept Paper

Nowadays, the magnitude of disinformation and its effects is causing significant concern. One of the major challenges of the current information ecosystem is the rapid spread of fake news through digital media

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Nel corso del progetto IDMO saranno sviluppate una serie di risorse per gli stakeholders, le istituzioni, gli esperti di dati, gli accademici, i ricercatori e chiunque altro sia interessato alle tematiche della disinformazione, del fact-checking, dell’e-literacy e tematiche connesse nell’ambito dei media digitali. Queste includono informazioni sui risultati, le esperienze, i risultati, le strategie del programma, i tutorial e i webinar, i risultati accademici così come i risultati della ricerca e gli articoli scientifici, nonché video di divulgazione ed altri materiali.

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Nel corso del progetto IDMO saranno sviluppate una serie di risorse per gli stakeholders, le istituzioni, gli esperti di dati, gli accademici, i ricercatori e

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