The European Election campaign on social media in Italy – an analysis by Luiss Data Lab and Reset
The Luiss Data Lab, in collaboration with Tech Reset, analysed the impact of Italian political parties’ strategies in the recent European elections
Esplora IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory.
The Luiss Data Lab, in collaboration with Tech Reset, analysed the impact of Italian political parties’ strategies in the recent European elections
Ogni settimana esce Bollettino Ucriana: l’aggiornamento sulla guerra con le mappe, le immagini dal fronte ottenute con tecniche Osint e i commenti degli esperti
The Luiss Data Lab, in collaboration with Tech Reset, analysed the impact of Italian political parties’ strategies in the recent European elections
Ogni settimana esce Bollettino Ucriana: l’aggiornamento sulla guerra con le mappe, le immagini dal fronte ottenute con tecniche Osint e i commenti degli esperti