Second edition (March 2024): Disinformation narratives during the 2023 elections in Europe
The report of the European Digital Media Observatory’s Task Force on the 2024 European Parliament Elections
Esplora IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory.
The report of the European Digital Media Observatory’s Task Force on the 2024 European Parliament Elections
Disinformation on the war in Ukraine, the European Union and immigration increased in February 2024, according to EDMO’s latest brief
Nuove tutele per i reporter indipendenti e maggiore autonomia delle emittenti pubbliche dalla politica. L’eurodeputata Verheyen: «Vedremo se l’Ungheria rispetterà la legge»
Dopo la sua morte, Alexei Navalny è stato oggetto di campagne di disinformazione che lo associano al nazismo. Le narrazioni false sfruttano immagini decontestualizzate o manipolate
L’European External Service Act ha delineato un piano d’azione per proteggere l’integrità del processo elettorale dalla Foreign Information Manipulation Interference
An analysis of the EDMO fact-checking network
Disinformation about the Israel Hamas war significantly decreases, while disinformation about the eu, climate change, Ukraine, and migrants grows
The attack of Hamas and the following military reaction of Israel caused a wave of disinformation on social media
As the situation is rapidly developing, disinformation on the Israel-Palestine crisis is already circulating on social media
The monthly brief of the EDMO fact-checking network on climate change disinformation
The report of the European Digital Media Observatory’s Task Force on the 2024 European Parliament Elections
Disinformation on the war in Ukraine, the European Union and immigration increased in February 2024, according to EDMO’s latest brief
Nuove tutele per i reporter indipendenti e maggiore autonomia delle emittenti pubbliche dalla politica. L’eurodeputata Verheyen: «Vedremo se l’Ungheria rispetterà la legge»
Dopo la sua morte, Alexei Navalny è stato oggetto di campagne di disinformazione che lo associano al nazismo. Le narrazioni false sfruttano immagini decontestualizzate o
L’European External Service Act ha delineato un piano d’azione per proteggere l’integrità del processo elettorale dalla Foreign Information Manipulation Interference
An analysis of the EDMO fact-checking network
Disinformation about the Israel Hamas war significantly decreases, while disinformation about the eu, climate change, Ukraine, and migrants grows
The attack of Hamas and the following military reaction of Israel caused a wave of disinformation on social media
As the situation is rapidly developing, disinformation on the Israel-Palestine crisis is already circulating on social media
The monthly brief of the EDMO fact-checking network on climate change disinformation