Febbraio 15 2023

10 Recommendations by the Taskforce on Disinformation and the War in Ukraine

…information challenges Bisson, Robin. 2022. ‘Academia Urged to Join Fight against Online Misinformation’. *Research. https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-uk-charities-and-societies-2022-1-academia-urged-to-join-fight-against-online-misinformation/ (June 15, 2022). CBInsights. 2018. Who Will Lead The Fight Against Online Disinformation & Propaganda?https://www.cbinsights.com/research/fighting-online-disinformation-propaganda-conference/ (June 15,…


Aprile 18 2024

Ukrainian refugees and disinformation: situation in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania

…in search of a better existence on a whim, but because of Russia’s invasion on their homeland. Fanpage Neverím falošným politikom published a post in which there was information that on one of the internet forums, the…


Maggio 25 2022

Il discorso integrale di Emine Dzhaparova

…think about how to, on one hand, save this democratic principle of media freedom, but from another hand secure us from this propaganda and its effects on our societies and


Luglio 29 2024

2022 Midterm Election Misinformation Tracking Center by NewsGuard

…no impact on the tabulation of votes and did not alter election results.” Sites that have promoted this claim include JDRucker.Substack.com, Treason.news, AmericaOutLoud.com, and RedVoiceMedia.com. JDRucker.Substack.com and Treason.news both did not respond…


Luglio 29 2024

Ecco come ChatGPT potrebbe portare la diffusione di disinformazione a livelli mai visti prima

…like this are complex and require time to collect and process all available information, it’s important not to jump to conclusions and let the investigation run its course. In conclusion,


Aprile 18 2024

Daily Data Lab – Gli aggiornamenti sulla guerra in Ucraina

…i russi fortificano le posizioni difensive a Kherson e Mykolaiv in risposta alla controffensiva ucraina Le forze del Cremlino continuano a fortificare le proprie posizioni negli oblast di Kherson e…


Luglio 29 2024

How Covid-19 conspiracy theorists pivoted to pro-Russian hoaxes

…users and channels which for years focused on spreading false or misleading information about vaccines and lockdowns now pivoted – in most cases – to supporting pro-Russian disinformation and propaganda….


Maggio 30 2023

Rights in the time of conspiracies and fake news: disinformation against LGBTQ+ in the EU

Mis- and disinformation targeting the LGBTQ+ community is one of the most present and consistent in the European Union, as highlighted monthly by EDMO’s briefs. It seems that false news on this…


Maggio 12 2023

Mappe e aggiornamenti per capire la guerra in Ucraina

…carri armati (compresi i modelli T-62, T-80 e T-90M) nell’oblast di Rostov, forse verso la Bielorussia. Immagini di un combattimento in cui le forze della Repubblica popolare di Donetsk prendono…


Marzo 13 2024

“Media Literacy versus Fake News” – The Research by Rai and the Catholic University of Milan

…of the European Commission, follows the principle of enhancing initiatives to promote Media and Information Literacy (MIL) as a pillar of disinformation prevention strategies. It also adopts a collaborative approach…